
Globalism makes freedom of speech impossible

Globalism makes freedom of speech impossible

Last year there were burnings of religious books in Sweden, leading to a diplomatic crisis.

On the weaponisation of the financial system

On the weaponisation of the financial system

  • 4/17/24

The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that’s required to make it work.

The imperial boomerang

The imperial boomerang

We have earlied pondered the likelihood of a financial event horizon (warning: Swedish) for the United States.

Central bankers talk the talk, but fail to walk the walk

Central bankers talk the talk, but fail to walk the walk

Trust is a topic increasingly being discussed. Whether it is trust in each other, in the media, or in our authorities, trust is generally seen as a cornerstone of a strong and well-functioning society.

The colour of the cat doesn't matter

The colour of the cat doesn't matter

Jerome Powell, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, stated during a hearing in March that the central bank has no plans to introduce a central bank digital currency (CBDCs) or consider it necessary at present.

In defence of conspiracy theories

In defence of conspiracy theories

the honorable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar – William Shakespeare Julius Ceasar TL;DR: Throughout history, conspiracies have existed, from the honorable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar, to the Black Hands’ Gavrilo Princip, whose shot triggered the First World War.

WHO's omeletting our future?

WHO's omeletting our future?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is approaching revisions to its constitution.

Globalism is the real pandemic

Globalism is the real pandemic

TL;DR: Contrary to their stated goals, centralized solutions and globalism are poised to increase disaster risk, undermine knowledge production, impede economic growth, and hinder scientific progress.

You will own nothing. And you will be unfree

You will own nothing. And you will be unfree

TL;DR: The contemporary world is displaying an increasing resemblance to the less favorable aspects of feudal historical periods.

Censorship lacks epistemic grounding

Censorship lacks epistemic grounding

TL;DR: today’s censorship enthusiasts can’t know what’s true or not when dealing with complex systems, which should make them more cautious before reaching for their black markers.

On linguistic issues

On linguistic issues

Elon Musk asserted earlier this year that the media is “racist against white people.

You will have no freedom, and be happy

You will have no freedom, and be happy

Did you know that the Riksbank, the Swedish central bank, decided last year to burn 2.

The Fed Pill

The Fed Pill

In the iconic scene from the 1999 film The Matrix, the protagonist Neo is presented with a choice between two pills - the red pill, which reveals true reality, or the blue pill, which allows him to remain in his mundane existence, unaware of the choice he has made.

CBDCs - utopia, dystopia, or both?

CBDCs - utopia, dystopia, or both?

“What is going on!?” my three-year-old exlaimed at the breakfast table the other day.