Central Banks

The Boiling Frog

The Boiling Frog

The boiling frog is a simple tale that illustrates the danger of gradual change: if you put a frog in boiling water, it will quickly jump out to escape the heat.

Central bankers talk the talk, but fail to walk the walk

Central bankers talk the talk, but fail to walk the walk

Trust is a topic increasingly being discussed. Whether it is trust in each other, in the media, or in our authorities, trust is generally seen as a cornerstone of a strong and well-functioning society.

The colour of the cat doesn't matter

The colour of the cat doesn't matter

Jerome Powell, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, stated during a hearing in March that the central bank has no plans to introduce a central bank digital currency (CBDCs) or consider it necessary at present.

Bitcoin and the waterwheel

Bitcoin and the waterwheel

Biologist Stuart Kauffman introduced the concept of the “adjacent possible” in evolutionary biology in 1996 .

You will have no freedom, and be happy

You will have no freedom, and be happy

Did you know that the Riksbank, the Swedish central bank, decided last year to burn 2.

CBDCs - utopia, dystopia, or both?

CBDCs - utopia, dystopia, or both?

“What is going on!?” my three-year-old exlaimed at the breakfast table the other day.

Monetary Poverty Policy

Monetary Poverty Policy

Why is inflation so high, and what does the powers that be plan to do about it?

Well, of course a recession is looming

Well, of course a recession is looming

Well, of course a recession is looming. In contrast to the PhD’s in charge, the US yield curve (i.