
You will have no freedom, and be happy

You will have no freedom, and be happy

Did you know that the Riksbank, the Swedish central bank, decided last year to burn 2.

The Fed Pill

The Fed Pill

In the iconic scene from the 1999 film The Matrix, the protagonist Neo is presented with a choice between two pills - the red pill, which reveals true reality, or the blue pill, which allows him to remain in his mundane existence, unaware of the choice he has made.

CBDCs - utopia, dystopia, or both?

CBDCs - utopia, dystopia, or both?

“What is going on!?” my three-year-old exlaimed at the breakfast table the other day.

Is fiat money really money?

Is fiat money really money?

Truth be told, investing legend Hugh Hendry had a point when he recently said that “central bankers don’t understand money, they only pretend”.

Overton's window creates opportunities for the brave

Overton's window creates opportunities for the brave

When you’re one step ahead of the crowd, you’re a genius.

Centralisation is part of the problem

Centralisation is part of the problem

Claims that we need greater centralisation, more EU, or more globalisation are prevalent across the usual media channels.

Sweden's first Bitcoin gallery is open

Sweden's first Bitcoin gallery is open

We have proposed a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust.

Monetary Poverty Policy

Monetary Poverty Policy

Why is inflation so high, and what does the powers that be plan to do about it?
