The Multi-Headed Elites
- Martin Enlund
- 4/23/24
This piece was published April 22, 2024 at Brownstone Institute . It was co-written with Tuomas Malinen, CEO and the Chief Economist of GnS Economics.
In mid-January, we were able to watch the gathering of the global elite in Davos, Switzerland. The publicly stated aim of this year’s Davos meeting, organized by the World Economic Forum, from now on WEF, was “Rebuilding Trust.” The topics ranged from the urgency to introduce Global Digital ID (because “people can no longer be trusted”), to climate change (a recurring topic), and further to a mysterious “Disease X ,” which is expected to kill tens of millions of people in the not-so-distant future. These are dystopian themes under a subtitle of ‘rebuilding trust,’ but should we be worried?
In this piece, we outline the reasons for worry. The global elite is steering both developments and discussion on a global scale, and their aims are unlikely to be benevolent. In actuality, these Davos meetings seem likely to indicate the path forward as envisaged by the elite, and there are several such meetings and groups operating across the globe.
One of the issues with these meetings, and groups, is this; would a group of billionaires really organize these ‘get-togethers’ just for the fun of hanging around with celebrities, editors, and leading politicians? Most likely not. A deeper look reveals that they appear more like secret societies weaving their ‘web’ around our societies.
Secret Society Look-Alikes
The hypocrisy of the “Davos Man;” that is, a rich and/or famous person attending Davos meetings, is conspicuous. The elites fly there with their private jets releasing a massive amount of CO2 they blame to be a central driver of the phenomenon nowadays dubbed climate change, or “emergency.” Escort and prostitute services in the region are fully booked during the week, which is another sign of the double-standards followed by the elite, much as was the case during the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, where several video clips and photos showed how the elites removed their face masks once TV cameras had stopped rolling. Rumors of widespread use of cocaine and other illegal substances in the ‘after-parties’ of the Davos conference also abound . “Do as I say, not as I do” seems like a fitting mantra to our current elite.
What makes such gatherings exceptionally worrisome is the secrecy which surrounds them. For example, it is well-known that in one of the main gatherings of the elite, the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group , which hosts politicians, business leaders, and journalists, the participants are sworn to secrecy in all the discussions that take place there.
GnS Economics concluded, in its special report on the Great Reset agenda (GR) driven by the WEF, that:
This is the true threat of GR, NWO [New World Order] and their ilk. They can, and probably will, take decision-making to a global level into undemocratic and often opaque institutions. They represent, quite simply, a direct threat to democratic processes and decision-making. They threaten, or have already taken, the true power from citizens to ‘halls’ of supranational entities.
This implies that we, the people, have already lost most of our power to steer the development of societies to various supranational entities and groups, some of which look like secret societies, when one observes their opaqueness. Moreover, the double standards of the elite give a worrying indication on their moral standards.
To understand where we are heading we need to ask, what is the aim of the elites? To this, history presents some unpleasant answers.
The Elite Strikes Back
Germany in the early 1920s was in transition to a newly rediscovered concept – democracy – after the devastating First World War and hyperinflation that followed. The first constitutional federal republic of Germany was called the Weimar Republic, named after the town where the constitutional assembly was held. However, the elites in the army, the bureaucracy, the judiciary, academia, and business were frightened by the idea, and sought a return to an elite-controlled authoritarian society.
Landowners feared losing their land, and elites in general grew worried of ‘marginalization’ of their power through democratization of German society. This produced a ‘tacit’ support by the German elite for a newly formed party and its enigmatic leader, who they (correctly) assumed would push for an authoritarian rule. The party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or NSDAP, and their leader Adolf Hitler. That is, the German elites helped lift the Nazis to power, supported by US financiers, thus creating one of the most oppressive and destructive regimes the world has seen.
During the past 70 years, and especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the world has seen a massive wave of democratization across the globe. The internet contributed by democratizing access to knowledge and information. The information commons started to decentralize – similar to what occurred in the wake of the printing press. We need to ask ourselves, do – or did – our elites welcome these developments, or do they act to stop or even reverse them? Based on the historical evidence, and the simple psychology of power games, would it not be very naïve to think that the elites would be happy with losing power?
The Elites Are Undermining Democracy Itself
Indeed, the elites do not seem happy at all. Since the UK’s decision to leave the EU in 2016 and the American presidential election of that same year, the current power structures of the West have moved at a rapid pace to undermine some of the pillars of liberal democracy. This might sound like a harsh conclusion, but let’s consider freedom of speech, consent of the governed, and informed consent.
The Twitter Files showed that the government and the intelligence agencies of the UK and the US (and presumably other countries) have incestuous, perhaps illegal, relationships with social media companies, directing platforms to censor information, diminish its spread, or even to deplatform organisations or individuals. True (objective) information has been made harder to find or even removed as Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted last year. Famous examples include the “laptop from hell ” from late fall 2020 when e.g. Facebook’s users were prohibited from sharing links to the story – and similarly with some medical information during the so-called Covid-19 pandemic.
Let’s remind ourselves what John Stuart Mill wrote in one of liberalism’s most central works On Liberty :
…the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.
Censorship is thus “robbing the human race ” and it undermines truth according to one of history’s foremost proponents of liberalism. Censorship also diminishes the legitimacy of our democratic systems. The Declaration of Independence underlies the Constitution of the US, and states:
…governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government…
It is a commonly held view that a democracy’s legitimacy stems from the electorate’s participation in choosing their government, reflecting governance with the governed’s approval. But if We the People are denied the ability to freely express our opinions – and influence others, the mechanism for providing (or denying) this consent becomes fundamentally flawed. What does that say about the system’s legitimacy?
Robert Malone, a physician and biochemist who produced a landmark study on the mRNA vaccines, recently described the information spread by the global elite regarding Disease X as black propaganda and “fear porn.” This Disease X – a placeholder name, surely – was discussed already in the 2019 Davos meeting . That year, the US simulated “a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China” in Crimson Contagion. And in October of that same year, the WEF conducted a simulation exercise to “prepare public and private leaders for pandemic response.” We already know the taxpayer-funded EcoHealth Alliance conspired to undermine the “lab-leak theory,” but new eye-opening academic research links the WEF to the silencing campaign of the lab-leak theory as well.
While the takeover of X (formerly Twitter) by Elon Musk has altered the information landscape and is likely hindering some parts of the elite to censor social media, the experience propaganda during the Russo-Ukrainian war remains noteworthy. While Russian propaganda operations are often mentioned in Western media, what are we to make of Nafo fellas , Baltic elves , and Psy-Op girl ? All parties involved are busy polluting the information commons, as always happens in a war.
What’s more, censorship, as well as propaganda, undermine the very essence of informed consent, at least if aimed at the domestic population. The formulation of the Nuremberg Code emerged in the aftermath of World War II, a period during which there were no established international standards differentiating between permissible and impermissible experiments, as emphasized by German doctors at the time.
According to the Code’s first point, an individual’s informed consent is absolutely essential. It stipulates that the individual should have the right to “exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter.” This code was clearly not followed during the so-called pandemic in a great many nations – how could it have been, given constraints and in some cases “coercion?”
If the government or its affiliates are dictating the information we can access – whether to foster trust or not – it becomes impossible to discern whether the information we receive is born of comprehensive debate or if certain truths have been concealed, as was done ahead of the US presidential election 2020 as well as during the so-called pandemic. Does this not suggest that the ethical principle of informed consent has been discarded in its entirety? “We must bravely destroy democracy in order to save democracy from those who wish to destroy democracy” might be a more fitting motto for our elites.
We are forced to conclude that the elites have been busy undermining freedom of speech and consent of the governed as well as the principle of informed consent. These are arguably some of the pillars of both a humane and liberal democracy, but the elites are far from done.
CBDC: The Elites’ Chekov’s Gun
AML (anti money-laundering) and KYC (know-your-customer) regulations have increased the governments’ power in terms of surveilling what their citizens are up to. But such monitoring can’t (yet) prevent you from spending; only monitor – and perhaps punish you – after the fact. That will change with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which will offer either programmable money or programmable payments (the distinction is not important). But once the government or its partners in the financial system can monitor and control your spending for goods and services, our hard-won freedoms will have been lost.
The ability to freely and anonymously transact is a crucial component in preserving fundamental rights and freedoms. Without the freedom to pay for goods and services without external interference, the ability to exercise one’s right to free speech, assembly, demonstration, and religion will be hindered. And with CBDCs, the state, companies, or other groups will be able to prevent companies, organisations, or individuals from making the necessary transactions to exercise these rights, effectively eroding them. Indeed, without the freedom to transact, liberty becomes impossible .
In Canada, the central bank recently surveilled the public and found 78% of the public concerned that the central bank would ignore the public’s feedback when building the new system, and a whopping 88% of the respondents were against building a digital Canadian dollar. The public, having witnessed the trucker protest in 2022, opposes granting even more power to the government. Such opposition, of course, does not prevent the Bank of Canada from rapidly continuing the development of a CBDC. If this is not suggestive of a hidden agenda, we don’t know what is.
If 9/11, the war on terror, or the so-called pandemic taught us anything, it’s that when the next crisis comes, whether the crisis is real or made up, it will be used for whatever purpose and projects the elite at the time is committed to. Rolling out CBDCs seems to be high on that list. We might be told about the necessity of CBDCs to thwart a demonized threat, be it a banking crisis, Putin, the Far Right, or perhaps, The Unvaccinated (against Disease X?). And amidst public acclaim, the liberties that were the cornerstone of a flourishing Western world will be thoroughly unraveled.
Chekhov’s gun is named after the Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, who articulated the concept by saying that if a gun is introduced in a story, it should be fired at some point. CBDCs are Chekhov’s gun. If introduced, their restrictive powers will eventually be used, and at that point our freedoms are likely to be gone, for good.
Divide et Impera
What’s even more worrisome, the global elite seems to be pushing for an open confrontation, a war, with Russia or China, or both. It’s hard to conclude otherwise by the “warmongering” on display across the Western Hemisphere.
Candidates of the Finnish Presidential elections, held on 28 January, for example, were effectively pushing for confrontation with Russia, or at least they did not see a possibility for normalization of the relations with Russia. This is completely unheard-of in Finnish politics, as we have had very peaceful and prosperous relations with Russia for over 70 years. Sweden has recently abandoned its policy of formal neutrality, which it followed even during the exceptional period of the Second World War, and Sweden’s commander-in-chief recently said Swedes “must prepare for times of war .” Now, suddenly, two former beacons of peace in Europe have taken a sharp turn towards confrontation with Russia. It does seem as if the global elite is guiding the West towards war.
These lead us to conclude that we have a very serious and pressing global elite problem.
Our societies and economies seem largely steered by opaque supranational forces over which the people have very little control. We can also conclude that, with a high likelihood, the motives of the global elite are malevolent . Pushing us towards extreme control of society through censorship, digital IDs and CBDCs, and death and suffering, through wars, leaves very little doubt on this.
The elite seems to follow the old Roman doctrine of Divide et Impera (Divide and Conquer). They sow chaos and undermine national sovereignty to make populations submissive to different control mechanisms. The main aim can be the same as with the German elites a century ago, when they eventually hoisted Nazis to power. That is, they may want to cement their power to steer our societies, whatever the cost.
The question is, what should we do about this?
A Need to Retake Our Political Systems
The Western world is currently heading in the same direction that led to the French Revolution in 1789. Political violence then engulfed France after a failure of the political system, economic collapse, and famine. Revolution and all the violence it would bring is one possible endgame of our current path.
However, we can choose not to follow our elites into the abyss of decadence, violence, and suffering. We can say no to their control systems, no to their efforts to undermine the moral backbone of our societies, and no to the wars they try to sow.
To accomplish this, we need to reject Digital IDs, CBDCs, warmongering, as well as supranational control. Corrupt politicians need to be removed from office, and power needs to be restored to national or local parliaments. The more decentralized the power, the better. Direct democracy with referendums would help to diminish or even eliminate the power of (current and forthcoming) elites. The fight between the Governor of Texas against the unconstitutionality of the Biden administration’s action at the Texas-Mexico border might be a sign that this is starting to unfold.
It’s high time we turn our backs to the elites, and start laying the bricks for a new renaissance of humanity. We need to start now.
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Cover image by Dall-E