
The Boiling Frog

The Boiling Frog

The boiling frog is a simple tale that illustrates the danger of gradual change: if you put a frog in boiling water, it will quickly jump out to escape the heat.

Nothing new under the sun

Nothing new under the sun

The ongoing debate surrounding freedom of expression may revolve more around determining who gets to control the dissemination of information rather than any claimed notion of safeguarding democracy.

Who will guard the search engines?

Who will guard the search engines?

How search engines operate should be considered of great importance by anyone who claims to take democracy seriously, regardless of one’s political sympathies.

What is freedom of speech without 'freedom of reach?'

What is freedom of speech without 'freedom of reach?'

After Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter (now X) in autumn 2022, there has been plenty of turmoil surrounding the platform.

Make money real again!

Make money real again!

Why is counterfeiting problematic? Most respondents to such a question would likely come up with the following answers: 1) it could undermine trust in the financial system, 2) counterfeit money could fund criminal activities, 3) counterfeit money could cause inflation.

Globalism makes freedom of speech impossible

Globalism makes freedom of speech impossible

Last year there were burnings of religious books in Sweden, leading to a diplomatic crisis.

The Multi-Headed Elites

The Multi-Headed Elites

This piece was published April 22, 2024 at Brownstone Institute .

The imperial boomerang

The imperial boomerang

We have earlied pondered the likelihood of a financial event horizon (warning: Swedish) for the United States.