Martin Enlund

Time for a more radical Europe

Time for a more radical Europe

Last fall, Italian economist Mario Draghi, former head of the European Central Bank (ECB), published his 400-page report on Europe’s (actually the EU’s) competitiveness.

The Superstimulus Trap: From Bird Eggs to AI

The Superstimulus Trap: From Bird Eggs to AI

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), we face a future where we may soon have access to almost everything we desire – at least in the digital realm.

The Great Compliance Leap Forward: EU Repeats Mao’s Worst Mistakes

The Great Compliance Leap Forward: EU Repeats Mao’s Worst Mistakes

Europe’s economic framework requires restructuring grounded in realism. The Commission’s Competitiveness Compass, alas, reveals dangerous left-hemisphere dominance and risks repeating Mao’s mistakes.

Sceptre of power

Sceptre of power

Instead of talking about “toxic algorithms” and TikTok bans, like so many do today, we should ask ourselves more fundamental questions.

Encryption Bolsters Freedom and Security

Encryption Bolsters Freedom and Security

If our parliaments and governments are serious about improving preparedness, it is time to leave old thought patterns such as Chat Control behind and instead back novel technologies.

When Control Becomes Pathological

When Control Becomes Pathological

The risks associated with cryptocurrencies have recently received attention in the media, where e.

You can't have your cake and eat it too

You can't have your cake and eat it too

Preparedness is a hot topic these days. In Europe, Poland has recently introduced compulsory lessons in weapons handling for schoolchildren for war-preparedness purposes.

The European Democracy Shield: Who is it Really Protecting?

The European Democracy Shield: Who is it Really Protecting?

The EU’s regulations aimed at combating disinformation raise questions about who is really being protected and also about the true purpose of the “European Democracy Shield”.

On Car Seats and Censorship

On Car Seats and Censorship

Fertility rates in Western countries have fallen to historically low levels in recent years - not a single Western country had a fertility rate above the replacement rate in 2023.

The Peacock's Feathers: A Guide to Real News

The Peacock's Feathers: A Guide to Real News

When the spin is too smooth, is it really news? A look at the complex media landscape and the importance of costly signaling in evaluating information.

What if the Green Facts Don't Add Up?

What if the Green Facts Don't Add Up?

Beneath the green rhetoric: A worrying picture is emerging, revealing that the EU’s green agenda may be stifling economic growth, compromising security, and undermining preparedness.

No Green Future without Economic Prosperity

No Green Future without Economic Prosperity

Germany, the EU’s largest economy, is once again forced to bear the label “Europe’s sick man”.

The Thin Veneer

The Thin Veneer

The Dutch primatologist Frans de Waal coined the term “veneer theory” in his book “Our Inner Ape” in 2005.

The Knights of Free Speech

The Knights of Free Speech

Get ready for a showdown: Will the US’ take on the EU’s ‘Democracy Shield’ and challenge the EU’s censorious attitude in 2025 onwards?

Lost in the Haze: The Sense-Making Crisis

Lost in the Haze: The Sense-Making Crisis

Imagine a world where the very foundations of knowledge are in question.

Trust - best built on solid ground

Trust - best built on solid ground

TL;DR: J.D. Vance recently observed that many in the Democratic Party are attempting to manufacture trust from the top down, neglecting the fact that genuine trust is often born from grassroots connections.

Technology that protects

Technology that protects

The Swedish government recently rejected the Transport Administration’s proposal for average speed cameras.

AI as magic goggles

AI as magic goggles

Navigating today’s complex information landscape can be a daunting task. Algorithms, bot armies, censorship authorities, and trolls contribute to a thick fog of disinformation, reminiscent of the industrial smog that once shrouded the Ruhr Valley in Germany.

The mathematics of trust (in the media)

The mathematics of trust (in the media)

A recent wedding celebration for Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson resulted in controversy, as one of the guests in attendance was reportedly linked to organized crime.

Anonymous accounts on social media – a threat to democracy?

Anonymous accounts on social media – a threat to democracy?

It was recently reported that Sweden’s Minister for Culture, Parisa Liljestrand, wishes to put an end to anonymous accounts on social media.

The Boiling Frog

The Boiling Frog

The boiling frog is a simple tale that illustrates the danger of gradual change: if you put a frog in boiling water, it will quickly jump out to escape the heat.

Nothing new under the sun

Nothing new under the sun

The ongoing debate surrounding freedom of expression may revolve more around determining who gets to control the dissemination of information rather than any claimed notion of safeguarding democracy.

Who will guard the search engines?

Who will guard the search engines?

How search engines operate should be considered of great importance by anyone who claims to take democracy seriously, regardless of one’s political sympathies.

What is freedom of speech without 'freedom of reach?'

What is freedom of speech without 'freedom of reach?'

After Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter (now X) in autumn 2022, there has been plenty of turmoil surrounding the platform.

Make money real again!

Make money real again!

Why is counterfeiting problematic? Most respondents to such a question would likely come up with the following answers: 1) it could undermine trust in the financial system, 2) counterfeit money could fund criminal activities, 3) counterfeit money could cause inflation.

Globalism makes freedom of speech impossible

Globalism makes freedom of speech impossible

Last year there were burnings of religious books in Sweden, leading to a diplomatic crisis.

The Multi-Headed Elites

The Multi-Headed Elites

This piece was published April 22, 2024 at Brownstone Institute .

The imperial boomerang

The imperial boomerang

We have earlied pondered the likelihood of a financial event horizon (warning: Swedish) for the United States.

Central bankers talk the talk, but fail to walk the walk

Central bankers talk the talk, but fail to walk the walk

Trust is a topic increasingly being discussed. Whether it is trust in each other, in the media, or in our authorities, trust is generally seen as a cornerstone of a strong and well-functioning society.

The colour of the cat doesn't matter

The colour of the cat doesn't matter

Jerome Powell, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, stated during a hearing in March that the central bank has no plans to introduce a central bank digital currency (CBDCs) or consider it necessary at present.

Bitcoin and the waterwheel

Bitcoin and the waterwheel

Biologist Stuart Kauffman introduced the concept of the “adjacent possible” in evolutionary biology in 1996 .

Pride comes before a fall

Pride comes before a fall

The Governor of the Swedish Central Bank, Erik Thedéen, recently expressed significant skepticism about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as a phenomenon, dismissing Bitcoin as “an instrument for pure speculation.

KYC is the real terror

KYC is the real terror

It has become increasingly evident that our financial system has started undermine our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and rights .

Robbing the human race

Robbing the human race

TL;DR: Contemporary regulations not only threaten internet giants with substantial fines if they fail in their censorship efforts, but also undermine truth itself according to one of history’s foremost proponents of liberalism.

We are all Josef K

We are all Josef K

TL;DR: We are increasingly treated like Josef K, the protagonist in Franz Kafka’s novel The Trial.

In defence of conspiracy theories

In defence of conspiracy theories

the honorable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar – William Shakespeare Julius Ceasar TL;DR: Throughout history, conspiracies have existed, from the honorable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar, to the Black Hands’ Gavrilo Princip, whose shot triggered the First World War.

WHO's omeletting our future?

WHO's omeletting our future?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is approaching revisions to its constitution.

Globalism is the real pandemic

Globalism is the real pandemic

TL;DR: Contrary to their stated goals, centralized solutions and globalism are poised to increase disaster risk, undermine knowledge production, impede economic growth, and hinder scientific progress.

You will own nothing. And you will be unfree

You will own nothing. And you will be unfree

TL;DR: The contemporary world is displaying an increasing resemblance to the less favorable aspects of feudal historical periods.

Censorship lacks epistemic grounding

Censorship lacks epistemic grounding

TL;DR: today’s censorship enthusiasts can’t know what’s true or not when dealing with complex systems, which should make them more cautious before reaching for their black markers.

On linguistic issues

On linguistic issues

Elon Musk asserted earlier this year that the media is “racist against white people.

You will have no freedom, and be happy

You will have no freedom, and be happy

Did you know that the Riksbank, the Swedish central bank, decided last year to burn 2.

The Fed Pill

The Fed Pill

In the iconic scene from the 1999 film The Matrix, the protagonist Neo is presented with a choice between two pills - the red pill, which reveals true reality, or the blue pill, which allows him to remain in his mundane existence, unaware of the choice he has made.

CBDCs - utopia, dystopia, or both?

CBDCs - utopia, dystopia, or both?

“What is going on!?” my three-year-old exlaimed at the breakfast table the other day.

Is fiat money really money?

Is fiat money really money?

Truth be told, investing legend Hugh Hendry had a point when he recently said that “central bankers don’t understand money, they only pretend”.

Overton's window creates opportunities for the brave

Overton's window creates opportunities for the brave

When you’re one step ahead of the crowd, you’re a genius.

Centralisation is part of the problem

Centralisation is part of the problem

Claims that we need greater centralisation, more EU, or more globalisation are prevalent across the usual media channels.

Sweden's first Bitcoin gallery is open

Sweden's first Bitcoin gallery is open

We have proposed a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust.

Monetary Poverty Policy

Monetary Poverty Policy

Why is inflation so high, and what does the powers that be plan to do about it?

Well, of course a recession is looming

Well, of course a recession is looming

Well, of course a recession is looming. In contrast to the PhD’s in charge, the US yield curve (i.

Voima Gold Talks 2022

Voima Gold Talks 2022

Martin Enlund held the keynote speech for Voima Gold Talks 2022 .

Is the US about to experience a new 'Great Disorder'?

Is the US about to experience a new 'Great Disorder'?

US inflation has recently been surging and is now “trotting”.

On Gutenberg, Satoshi and polarisation

On Gutenberg, Satoshi and polarisation

Is technology political? The answer is a resounding yes! All technology is political, though some technologies are more political than others…